S.N.A.P. SPECIAL NEEDS ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND PYE GREEN ROAD CANNOCK STAFFORDSHIRE WS11 5RW 01543 579286 snapcannock@outlook.com Charity No 1059988 Registered Company No 03259275
S.N.A.P. SPECIAL NEEDS ADVENTURE PLAYGROUNDPYE GREEN ROADCANNOCK STAFFORDSHIREWS11 5RW    01543 579286snapcannock@outlook.comCharity No 1059988Registered Company No 03259275  

               Welcome to                          S.N.A.P Playground  

S.N.A.P. is a

Special Needs Adventure Playground.


It provides a safe, secure and non-judgemental play area for children and adults with special needs. Siblings without special needs are also welcome.

Parents can relax for a while in the knowledge that their children will be safe.


At SNAP you will find

* Indoor soft play area

*Ball pool

*Outdoor adventure playground with wheelchair swing and inclusive roundabout

*Cycle track with a variety of bikes, trikes and scooters

*Activity / craft / computer room  /party room

*Sensory room

*Wide range of toys

*Plus the staff provide a wide range of sensory activities/messy play activities outside weather permitting


When making a bank transfer, please ensure you use ONLY the account details provided on your original invoice.

If you receive an email requesting payment to a differnet account, please disregard it and contact our office immediately.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

The Station in Cannock hosted a fundraiser in support of SNAP, that featured live performances by Three In A Bed, The Longford Scutters, and The Strum Runners.

It was on Saturday 10th August and was Live Streamed at Newhall Farm in Cannock. 

It was a fantastic evening and they raised £805 for SNAP! 

THANK YOU to everyone involved. Your support is very much appreciated x 

We are now CASH ONLY and can no longer be taking card payments. There is a free ATM across the road from SNAP in the NISA store. We apologise for any inconvenience caused x

Now that the balls are back in the ball pool, here's a reminder of the rules of our ball pool.

* DO NOT throw balls at other children or out of the ballpool
* DO NOT take ANY toys in the ball pool.
* Parents/ Carers PLEASE empy your pockets before entering the ballpool.
* DO NOT take food or drink into the ballpool or into the soft play area.
* Parents and Carers MUST supervise the children in their care at ALL TIMES whilst at SNAP Playground.
Your cooperation ensures that everyone has a good time. Thank you x

In addition to having our sensory room refurbished, we have also had refurbishments carried out in our soft play! We've had floor panels recovered, a new step into the ballpoon area, as well as new lights and mirrored ceiling in our tunnel. 

The work in the sensory room and soft play was carried out by Sheila and Colin Pope who did a fantastic job as always. 

We have had some refurbishments carried out in our sensory room including having our bubble tubes cleaned and secured, new mirror panels, repaired projector, new UV light and new donated fiber optics installed! And the sensory room has been santised thoroughly! Check it out next time you visit!

SNAP has 2 playworkers Sarah and Julie, who are funded by Children In Need.

Sarah works on weekends and Julie works during the toddler sessions.

Their goal is to help the children develop social skills, and to provide more fun at SNAP!

Get social on www.facebook.com/snapplayground

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